Bird Flu Outbreak Spreads to Dairy Herds, Raising Concerns

A bird flu outbreak is spreading through dairy herds in the United States, prompting warnings from experts and concerns about the potential for human infections. As of Monday, 32 dairy herds in eight states have been affected, raising questions about the origin and transmission of the virus. The USDA has not confirmed whether the infections are part of a single outbreak chain, and the spread of the virus between cows remains unclear.

Bird Flu May Have Been Circulating in US Cattle Since Late 2023, Analysis Suggests

Analysis of genomic data from infected cattle in the US suggests that the H5N1 bird flu strain may have been circulating in animals since late 2023, raising concerns about its potential to infect mammals, including humans. The virus has already been detected in 36 dairy herds across eight states, and its ability to spread between cows is a significant development. Health officials are urging for improved pathogen surveillance and the release of more information by the USDA to better understand the spread of the virus and its potential risks.

Bird Flu Detected in Cows and Humans in the U.S.

Avian influenza, also known as bird flu, has been detected in both cows and humans in the United States for the first time. The strain of bird flu involved is highly pathogenic H5N1, which causes severe disease in birds and can be fatal. While the risk to the general public is considered low, health officials are calling for increased monitoring of infected animals and people exposed to them.

Chicken Prices Surge in Coimbatore Amidst Heatwave and Production Woes

Extreme heat and reduced production have pushed chicken prices significantly higher in Coimbatore. Production has declined due to decreased appetite and increased water intake among birds, leading to slower weight gain. Mortality rates have also risen to 10%, prompting poultry farms to implement precautionary measures. The price hike ranges from 110 to 120 rupees per kilogram, with wholesale prices reaching a record 130 rupees this year. Despite efforts to increase production, the outbreak of bird flu in Kerala has impacted exports to the state.

Bird Flu’s Devastating Spread: Marine Mammals at Risk

A highly pathogenic strain of H5N1 bird flu has spread worldwide since 2020, killing millions of poultry and other birds. Now, it’s threatening marine mammals, with devastating outbreaks in elephant seals and sea lions in South America. Experts warn that the virus is adapting to mammals, raising concerns about its potential to spread to humans. The current outbreaks in dairy cows and mink suggest that H5N1 may be on the brink of becoming transmissible among people. Scientists emphasize the need for increased monitoring, international cooperation, and proactive measures to prevent a human pandemic.

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