Say goodbye to airport queue jumpers! American Airlines is testing new tech that can detect those who try to board ahead of their designated group, signaling for them to step aside and wait their turn. This innovative solution addresses a common travel frustration and could be the future of boarding efficiency.
Results for: boarding
The phenomenon of ‘gate lice’, passengers who crowd the gate before their boarding number is called, is a common sight at airports. Psychologists offer insights into why people engage in this behavior, citing factors like a need for control, social conformity, and a desire to secure overhead locker space. While it may seem like an unnecessary rush, it ultimately boils down to individual anxieties and the desire to be prepared.
An experienced cruise passenger has shared valuable advice, recommending against rushing to board the ship on the first day. According to them, doing so leads to longer lines and potential delays as the crew focuses on preparing the ship for passengers.