Woman Claims TJ Maxx Denied Job Due to Extensive Tattoos and Piercings

A woman with visible body art alleges that she was denied employment at TJ Maxx due to her tattoos and piercings. After applying for a position and receiving an automated rejection email, she visited the store to inquire about the reason. The manager attributed it to a lack of experience, but the applicant believes that her appearance played a role. She questions the hiring practices for entry-level jobs and the challenges faced by young people without extensive work history. Other TikTok users share their experiences of facing job discrimination for similar reasons.

Woman Regrets Every Single One of Her 25 Tattoos

A 32-year-old woman from Manchester has come to regret the decision she made to get 25 tattoos. Since the age of 19, Rose Nicholson has spent thousands of pounds on getting inked, but now she says she wishes she had never done it. She claims that her tattoos no longer reflect her personality or style, and that they have even led to unwelcome attention from strangers. Rose is considering getting her tattoos removed, but is put off by the cost and pain involved.

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