Gen Z Dreams of Traditional Milestones: Marriage, Family, and Financial Independence

A recent study reveals that Gen Z, contrary to popular belief, prioritize traditional life milestones like marriage, starting a family, and financial independence over travel. The study also explores the aspirations of millennials and boomers, highlighting their focus on saving, owning property, and travel, respectively. The research provides insights into different generations’ life goals and offers tips from John Lewis Money to help turn bucket list dreams into reality.

How Millennials and Gen Z Can Teach Boomers to Avoid Cybercrime

Boomers are a desirable target for scammers due to the wealth of personal data they possess, including financial information and retirement savings. However, younger generations, such as Millennials and Gen Z, can provide valuable advice on how to avoid becoming victims of cybercrime. By sharing their knowledge of technology and common scams, they can help Boomers stay protected and secure.

Millennial Worker Exposes ‘Incompetent Boomer’ Coworkers on TikTok

A TikToker named Alec Pritchard has been using his platform to call out the “extreme laziness or stupidity” of workers over 50 at his job. He alleges that the “boomer” sales representatives he works with are often unprepared and unprofessional, and that one representative made promises to customers that the company did not have the capacity to honor. Pritchard’s callouts have had serious consequences for him, as he was fired for “harassment.” Pritchard says he was surprised to learn this, as he was using his own private social media on his own private time. He also accuses the company of stalking him in order to investigate how he used his platform. Despite the consequences, Pritchard vows to continue creating the viral content, and to use his platform to give voice to other millennials who have complaints about boomers.

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