House Votes to Defund Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas’ Salary

The House of Representatives voted to block Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ salary, an amendment introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs. This move comes amidst ongoing Republican criticism of Mayorkas and the ongoing border crisis. The amendment passed with just one Republican dissenting, while another amendment to reduce Mayorkas’ salary to zero failed. The DHS appropriations bill also includes funding for border wall completion and restrictions on abortion and transgender care for non-citizens in ICE custody.

Biden’s Executive Order on Immigration: A Dangerous Step in the Wrong Direction

Rep. Kat Cammack argues that President Biden’s anticipated executive order on immigration will exacerbate the border crisis by granting privileges to undocumented immigrants while ignoring the urgent need to secure the border. She calls for a focus on closing the border, deporting criminals and extremists, and addressing the issue of regularization through a legal process that prioritizes American citizens.

Illegal Immigration Harming Veterans: Biden Must Secure Border, Honor Those Who Served

The Biden administration’s open border policies are exacerbating the crisis at the southern border, while neglecting the needs of American veterans. While illegal aliens receive greater attention and resources, veterans are left behind, facing delays in healthcare and homelessness. The VA has been diverting funds meant for veterans to support illegal aliens, despite the fact that nearly half a million veterans and their families await treatment.

Former California Republican Warns of Border Crisis Impacting Upscale Beach Town

Scott Baugh, a former top Republican in California, is sounding the alarm about the influx of suspected illegal immigrants into an upscale beach town nearly 100 miles from the southern border. He blames President Biden’s policies for creating a magnet for illegal immigration, leading to an increase in crime and a strain on local resources. Baugh vows to prioritize border security and tackle America’s rising debt if elected to Congress.

Biden and Trump Visit Border as White House Disputes Crisis

President Biden and former President Trump are scheduled to visit the Texas border on Thursday, amid ongoing debate over the border crisis. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has defended Biden’s approach, arguing that solving the issue requires bipartisan legislation and that Republicans are blocking progress. Jean-Pierre has faced criticism for not taking unilateral action, given the President’s authority to do so. Despite taking executive actions in the past, the Biden administration maintains the need for a legislative approach to address the broken immigration system.

Unvaccinated Migrants Pose a Public Health Crisis

The Biden administration’s immigration policies have resulted in millions of unvaccinated migrants entering the United States, leading to a resurgence of preventable infectious diseases. These diseases are not only infecting migrants themselves but also spreading to the broader population, including school children and healthcare workers. The article argues that it is crucial to vaccinate all illegal immigrants to protect public health, save lives, and reduce healthcare costs.

Border Crisis Spotlight in Pennsylvania Senate Race

GOP candidate Dave McCormick criticizes President Biden’s handling of the border crisis, calling it a “leadership failure.” McCormick, who has made border security a key issue in his campaign, claims that Senate Democrats are more interested in politics than solving the crisis. Democratic incumbent Bob Casey has also expressed concern over the border situation but has been criticized by Republicans for his voting record on immigration issues.

Family of Little Girl Killed by Illegal Immigrant Shares Story, Aims for Congressional Action

Three-year-old Maddie Hines was killed when Gabriel Arteaga, an illegal immigrant with a revoked driver’s license and wanted by ICE, allegedly ran a stop sign and crashed into the family’s SUV. Maddie’s godfather, state Rep. Stewart Jones (R), is running for Congress to address the border crisis and prevent similar tragedies. Maddie’s mother, Chelsey Hines, credits God for providing peace during this difficult time.

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