Daybreak (2019) Season 1 presents a captivating post-apocalyptic adventure where teenagers navigate a world devoid of adults. Led by the determined Josh, they face gangs, bullies, and even their own emotions as they embark on a quest to find their loved ones. This thrilling series is available to stream on Netflix, providing viewers with an immersive experience.
Results for: Brad Peyton
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Jennifer Lopez shared her experience filming ‘Atlas,’ expressing how the touching story and her unique acting approach left an impact on her. The Netflix film, which centers around a bond developed between two beings in extraordinary circumstances, stars Lopez as the lead character who interacts solely with an AI voice throughout the movie. Directed by Brad Peyton, ‘Atlas’ incorporates action-packed sequences and is set to premiere on Netflix on May 24th.
Jennifer Lopez’s upcoming Netflix sci-fi film ‘Atlas’ may have sparked comparisons to ‘Titanfall,’ but director Brad Peyton insists it’s more akin to ‘Castaway in Space.’ Drawing inspiration from classic sci-fi films, ‘Atlas’ features Lopez as a distrustful data analyst who teams up with a renegade robot in a battle against AI.