Russia’s New Nuclear-Powered Missile Deployment Site Pinpointed

Two U.S. researchers have identified a construction project in Vologda, Russia, believed to be the deployment site for Russia’s new nuclear-powered cruise missile, the 9M370 Burevestnik. The site is near a nuclear warhead storage facility and features nine horizontal launch pads protected by berms, suggesting Russia is progressing with the missile’s deployment despite its uncertain test history.

Russia’s ‘Invincible’ Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile: Deployment Site Identified, Risks Remain

Two US researchers claim to have identified the probable deployment site in Russia of the Burevestnik, a controversial nuclear-powered cruise missile touted by President Vladimir Putin as ‘invincible.’ While the missile’s deployment is raising concerns among Western experts, its strategic value and reliability remain debatable due to a poor test record and potential for radiation risks.

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