Airbus Granted Exemption to Use Russian Titanium by Canadian Government

Despite being the first Western nation to sanction Russian titanium, the Canadian government has granted Airbus permission to use the metal in its manufacturing processes. The exemption aims to facilitate the importation of EU-produced jets that were built with Russian titanium. While the EU has sanctioned Moscow following the Ukraine conflict, it has not blacklisted VSMPO-AVISMA, the world’s largest processed titanium producer. Airbus and Boeing both announced plans to discontinue using Russian titanium in 2022, but major suppliers for Boeing continue to purchase from VSMPO-AVISMA. Only Canada and Ukraine have sanctioned the company, while the US has imposed export controls.

Canada’s Economy Vulnerable to Trump’s Tariffs and Tax Cuts

A report by Scotiabank Economics warns that Canada’s economy would suffer a greater impact than the United States if Donald Trump wins the upcoming presidential election and imposes promised tax cuts and tariffs on all U.S. imports. The report says that Canada’s GDP would likely fall by 3.6% by 2027 relative to current forecasts, while inflation and interest rates would also rise. The report warns that Canada needs to urgently address its issues with lagging productivity to make itself less vulnerable to economic shocks from trade policy changes in the U.S. and abroad.

Canada’s Governor General Visits Regina Open Door Society

Canada’s Governor General, Mary Simon, visited the Regina Open Door Society on Tuesday as part of her three-day visit to the province. The society helps newcomers integrate into Canada by providing language instruction, government information, and support for success in Canadian society. Learners shared their immigration stories with Simon, who spoke about her own experience growing up speaking an Indigenous language at home, English in school, and now learning French. Ricardo Arisnabarreta, language services manager at the society, emphasized the significance of Simon’s visit for learners and the importance of government recognition of their work.

Monarch Butterflies: A Hopeful Return

Eastern monarch butterflies, after spending their winter in Mexico’s Sierra Madre Mountains, are currently embarking on their northward journey to spend the warmer months in the eastern United States and Canada. These tiny and fragile insects tirelessly fly up to 100 miles a day, with some undertaking remarkable journeys of up to 3,000 miles to reach their destination.

Freeland Condemns Antisemitic Slogans After Video Surfaces

Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland initially refused to comment on slogans celebrating the October 7, 2023 terrorist attack on Israel. However, after seeing video footage, she expressed shock and disgust at the antisemitism and glorification of terrorism. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also condemned the protest, calling it “hateful intimidation.”

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