Leo’s Cosmic Forecast: Embrace Change and Shine Bright

Leo, prepare for an invigorating day where social interactions take center stage. The cosmic alignment between the Sun and Uranus brings unexpected encounters that could spark new passions or rekindle old flames. Your charisma is irresistible, attracting others and creating opportunities for social engagements and community involvement. Embrace these gatherings as they may lead to exciting collaborations and pave the way for thrilling projects.

Iberia Launches Fourth Edition of Cadet Program in Partnership with FTEJerez

Iberia has launched the fourth edition of its cadet program, in partnership with the esteemed aviation school, FTEJerez (Flight Training Europe). The program aims to promote the piloting profession among young people and assist them in financing their training with interest-free loans covering about 50% of the costs. Upon completion, Iberia ensures smoother entry into the job market for cadets, assisting them with loan repayment. Currently, 16 cadets are training at FTEJerez, with eight more expected to start in late 2024. FTEJerez CEO Óscar Sordo expressed honor in Iberia’s continued trust in the school to train its future pilots.

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