Zero Shadow Day: A Celestial Treat in Bengaluru on Wednesday

Bengaluru residents will witness a rare celestial event on Wednesday, April 24, known as ‘Zero Shadow Day.’ This unique phenomenon, caused by the Sun being directly overhead, will result in the absence of shadows for a brief period between 12:17 pm and 12:23 pm. Locations situated at the same latitudes as Bengaluru will also experience this remarkable event.

Bengaluru Prepares for Rare Zero Shadow Day 2024

Bengaluru, renowned as India’s Silicon Valley, is set to witness a captivating astronomical event known as Zero Shadow Day on April 24, 2024. This unique phenomenon occurs twice annually for locations between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and Bengaluru experiences it around April 24 and August 18 each year. During Zero Shadow Day, the sun aligns directly overhead, causing vertical objects to cast no shadows for a brief period. The Astronomical Society of India explains that on this day, the sun’s declination equals the latitude, resulting in the sun’s placement directly above the location at noon. Enthusiasts can anticipate this celestial spectacle between 12:17 pm and 12:23 pm, with a duration of approximately 6-8 minutes.

Pink Moon Illuminates Skies Tonight

Tonight, the Pink Moon, also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, and Fish Moon, will grace the night sky. Visible in eastern time zones at 7:49pm EDT on Tuesday, the moon will appear full for approximately three days from Monday to Thursday. The phenomenon will be visible from the United Kingdom eastward through Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Meanwhile, next month’s full moon will occur on May 23rd at 9:53am EDT.

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