Fact-Checker Debunks Biden’s Claim About Trump’s ‘Fine People’ Remarks, Trump Campaign Calls It a ‘Hoax’

A left-leaning fact-checking website, Snopes, has debunked claims made by President Biden and some media outlets that former President Trump called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ following the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. The Trump campaign has seized on this fact check, calling the claim a ‘hoax’ and criticizing Biden for promoting a ‘lie’.

Biden’s Charlottesville Hypocrisy: Facilitating Antisemitism

President Biden’s lackluster response to recent antisemitic protests in the United States exposes his double standards, as he once condemned President Trump’s Charlottesville rhetoric but now prioritizes political interests over unequivocal opposition to hate. Biden’s appeasement of the pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party has emboldened extremists and contributed to the rise in antisemitism. Despite Hamas repeatedly rejecting cease-fire offers, Biden has placed blame on Israel, demonstrating his detachment from reality or willingness to cater to extreme voices within his coalition. This behavior mirrors the very actions he denounced in Trump, proving that cutting corners in the pursuit of political expediency comes with a heavy price for the nation.

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