Scarlett Johansson Accuses OpenAI CEO of Unauthorized Use of Her Voice for ChatGPT

Actress Scarlett Johansson has accused OpenAI CEO Sam Altman of using a voice for the ChatGPT system that sounds eerily similar to her own, despite her declining to voice the chatbot herself. OpenAI has since suspended use of the voice, but Johansson’s public displeasure and potential legal action are raising concerns about the ethical implications of AI voice replication and the importance of respecting individuals’ right to consent.

OpenAI Pauses Sky Voice on ChatGPT Due to Scarlett Johansson Similarity

OpenAI is temporarily suspending the use of the ‘Sky’ voice on its ChatGPT platform after concerns were raised that it sounded too similar to actress Scarlett Johansson. The voice, one of five available on ChatGPT, was generated from an actress and not intended to impersonate Johansson, according to OpenAI. The decision comes after users expressed discomfort with the voice’s resemblance to Johansson, who famously played a virtual assistant in the film ‘Her.’ OpenAI is currently working to address the issue and will provide updates as they become available.

9 Troubleshooting Fixes When ChatGPT Is Not Working

ChatGPT is a popular AI chatbox that suffers occasional down times and technical problems. If your ChatGPT is not working, you can try these fixes: wait for it to be available, ensure a stable internet connection, disable VPN services, disable browser extensions, log out and back in, clear your browser cache and cookies, try a different web browser, use ChatGPT alternatives, or pay for ChatGPT Plus.

ChatGPT’s Newest Version Unveiled with Enhanced Human-Like Capabilities

OpenAI introduces a groundbreaking update to ChatGPT, dubbed GPT-4o, showcasing its advanced abilities to comprehend facial expressions, mimic human speech patterns, and engage in near real-time conversations with an impressive command of subtle emotional cues. The chatbot’s demonstration revealed its proficiency in tasks such as language translation, mathematical problem-solving, and guiding a visually impaired individual through the streets of London.

The Secret Behind ChatGPT’s Success: Human Feedback and Reinforcement Learning

ChatGPT’s remarkable popularity surprised even its creators at OpenAI. Initially conceived as a research preview, it evolved into a widely acclaimed AI tool. The key to its success lies in a technique called reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Developers trained ChatGPT to generate responses that resonated with human users, refining the technology through continuous feedback.

OpenAI Unveils Major Updates to ChatGPT, Ushering in New Era of AI Accessibility

OpenAI has released a significant update to its popular AI language model, ChatGPT, making it freely available to all users. The new version, GPT-4o, offers improved performance and efficiency, and introduces innovative features such as voice and video modes. OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, emphasized the company’s commitment to providing free and accessible AI tools to the public, enabling others to innovate and derive diverse benefits through their use of OpenAI’s technology.

OpenAI Mac Desktop App Brings Advanced AI Capabilities to Macs

OpenAI, the developer behind ChatGPT, is releasing a desktop app for Mac that offers enhanced AI capabilities. The app can interact with other applications on the screen, providing contextual awareness and a more powerful user experience. This development comes ahead of Apple’s expected focus on AI at its upcoming WWDC conference, where it is rumored to be partnering with OpenAI for ChatGPT integration on Macs. The announcement follows the release of the M4 chip in the iPad Pro, showcasing Apple’s commitment to on-device AI hardware.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Becomes More Multimodal, User-Friendly with GPT-4o

OpenAI has unveiled GPT-4o, an updated version of its large language model that brings enhanced capabilities to both free and paid users. GPT-4o offers improved performance and features, including multimodal capabilities, a desktop app, and a refreshed user interface. The model can now analyze and respond to text, vision, and audio in real time, with accurate emotion detection. ChatGPT Voice has also become more human-like, sounding enthusiastic and friendly with a hint of robotic undertone. The model can now be interrupted and provides quick responses with natural flow. Additionally, GPT-4o can read code, assist with math problems, and describe screen content. Despite some minor glitches in the demo, GPT-4o appears to be a significant step towards human-like AI interaction.

OpenAI Unleashes More Powerful Version of ChatGPT, Free for All

OpenAI has unveiled an enhanced version of its flagship AI technology, GPT-4o, making it freely accessible to all users. This upgrade comes ahead of Google’s anticipated announcements regarding Gemini, its rival AI tool. The new GPT-4o boasts improved performance and efficiency, with seamless text, image, and soon-to-come voice and video input options. OpenAI’s Chief Technology Officer, Mira Murati, expressed their excitement about providing GPT-4o to free users. Amidst the AI arms race, OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, and other tech giants are vying to dominate the generative AI space, despite facing scrutiny over exorbitant costs, copyright concerns, and creator compensation issues. OpenAI has faced legal challenges from media organizations and artists who claim infringement due to the use of their content in training models.

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