Get ready for a thrilling new episode of Chief Detective 1958, starring Lee Je-Hoon as the lead detective. The comedy crime K-drama’s third episode will premiere on MBC and Disney Plus in April 2024. In the upcoming episode, Detective Park Young-Han and his team of skilled detectives embark on a dangerous new mission. However, a shocking twist sees three of them ending up in jail, leaving Detective Kim Sang-Soon to face the challenge alone. The latest trailer offers a glimpse of the action and suspense that awaits viewers in episode 3 of Chief Detective 1958.
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MBC’s “Chief Detective 1958”, the prequel to the classic Korean series “Chief Inspector”, has released new stills of the upcoming episode. Set in 1958, this prequel will feature a younger version of the titular chief detective Park Young Han, played by Lee Je Hoon.
The newly released stills depict the four detectives standing in the way of a group of paupers roaming the alley of Jongnam Market. However, what’s peculiar is that the paupers have white powder over their lips. Viewers are curious to learn how Park Young Han and the other detectives will handle this new task.
Additional stills showcase the detectives engaged in a serious plan at Park Young Han’s boarding house, hinting at the discovery of something significant. The next episode of “Chief Detective 1958” will air on April 26 at 9:50 p.m. KST.
The highly anticipated episode 3 trailer for ‘Chief Detective 1958’ has been released, showcasing Lee Je-Hoon’s character, Detective Park Young-Han, facing a new challenge behind bars. The trailer reveals a thrilling mission for the team of unlikely detectives as they confront a group of dangerous robbers.