Iberia and University of Navarra Partner for Cancer Research and Treatment for Children

Iberia and the University of Navarra have joined forces to support cancer research and provide treatment to children from abroad. The collaboration will see Iberia contribute €60,000 to help cover travel expenses for these children and their families to the Clínica Universidad de Navarra in Spain for medical care. This partnership aims to provide access to specialized medical treatments in Spain for children who are unable to receive necessary care in their home countries.

Beat the Heat: Essential Tips for Kids’ Summer Safety Amidst India’s Heatwave

India’s soaring temperatures call for vigilance, particularly for children enjoying their summer break. To ensure their well-being and prevent heat-related illnesses, it’s crucial to prioritize hydration, provide nutritious food options, and limit outdoor activities during peak sun hours. By following these guidelines, parents can help keep their children safe, comfortable, and hydrated throughout the season.

Integrating Oral Health into Primary Care for Improved Access

Across the United States, a trend is emerging to integrate oral health services into medical checkups, particularly for children and pregnant women who may face challenges in accessing dental care independently. This integration aims to address the high prevalence of oral disease among these populations, train primary care providers in oral health assessment and prevention, and connect patients with dentists or dental hygienists for further treatment. Federally funded programs have played a significant role in expanding these efforts, but socioeconomic disparities, workforce shortages, and the needs of migrant communities pose ongoing challenges. Dental hygienists embedded within medical practices have proven effective in increasing the frequency of fluoride application and improving parents’ knowledge about dental care. The integration of oral health services into prenatal visits for pregnant women also presents opportunities to improve oral health outcomes, given the increased frequency of appointments and access to dental coverage during pregnancy. However, financial uncertainty resulting from the unwinding of pandemic-related Medicaid expansions and workforce shortages in dental professions continue to hinder the expansion of these programs and the provision of comprehensive oral health care to vulnerable populations.

Kolkata: Children at Risk as Summer Temperatures Soar, Schools Advised to Suspend Classes

Children in Kolkata are facing health risks due to extreme heatwave conditions. Paediatricians advise against outdoor activities and attending school during peak heat hours, especially for children under 5. Adequate hydration, avoiding cold water consumption in the sun, and consuming water-rich fruits are recommended. Air-conditioned environments and chilled water should be avoided after prolonged exposure to heat. Protein sources should be plant-based, while curd consumption can aid in temperature regulation.

Father’s Diet Can Impact Children’s Health: Study in Mice

A recent study in mice has revealed that a father’s diet can influence the health of their offspring, even before conception. The study found that male mice fed diets low in protein and high in carbohydrates were more likely to have male offspring with higher levels of anxiety. Additionally, male mice fed high-fat diets were more likely to have daughters with higher body fat and biological indicators of metabolic disease.

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