Chinese Americans Express Concerns About Discrimination Amid Heightened US-China Tensions

A recent survey reveals that a majority of Chinese Americans believe the US government is not doing enough to address the discrimination they face. The survey, conducted by the Committee of 100 and the University of Chicago, highlights the impact of deteriorating US-China relations on the mental health and safety of Chinese Americans. Concerns about anti-China rhetoric from 2024 presidential candidates and a lack of action against violence targeting their communities are also fueling this sentiment.

San Francisco Chinese Americans Turn against Progressive Candidates Amidst Crime Concerns

Chinese Americans in San Francisco, who have traditionally supported Democratic candidates, are now expressing dissatisfaction with the current progressive leadership, particularly Mayor London Breed. With several local positions up for grabs in the upcoming elections, many Chinese Americans are backing efforts to oust progressive candidates and return to a more centrist political approach. This shift is driven by concerns over rising crime rates, anti-Asian violence, and perceived failures in addressing homelessness and education equity.

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