In the mood for a lighthearted romantic comedy? Look no further than the recently-aired Chinese drama “Everyone Loves Me,” an adaptation of the popular novel “Don’t Fall in Love with Me” by Qiao Yao. The story revolves around university classmates Gu Xun (played by Lin Yi) and Yue Qian Ling (Zhou Ye), who reunite at gaming company HC Game, only to have their paths take unexpected turns.
Results for: Chinese Drama
In episode 32 of the modern C-drama “Best Choice Ever,” Cheng Huan’s mother, Mrs. Liu, gives her blessing to Cheng Huan’s relationship with Zhi Ming. Mr. Zao, Zhi Ming’s father, attempts to reconcile with his son, and slowly, Zhi Ming starts to soften up. However, he admits that he can’t verbally forgive his father for the hurt he caused in the past. Mr. Zao successfully obtains an entry card for Pei Sheng through fraudulent methods, despite his guilt. Meanwhile, Zhi Ming hesitantly agrees to Mrs. Liu’s request to invite his father for a meal.