According to astrologer Valeria Black, five Chinese zodiac signs—Rabbit, Horse, Dragon, Tiger, and Monkey—will experience significant good luck from December 16th to 22nd, 2024. Each sign’s path to fortune is unique, involving different activities and lucky colors. This favorable period precedes the Chinese New Year 2025, the Year of the Snake.
Results for: Chinese New Year
Black Myth: Wukong, a smash hit single-player game, has sold over 20 million units since its August release. Industry analyst Daniel Camilo reveals that the game’s first DLC is anticipated to arrive in early 2025, likely around the Chinese New Year, based on reliable sources. This aligns with previous whispers of DLC plans before the studio moves onto its next project. Rumors of online multiplayer hidden within the game’s code add intrigue, suggesting a potential shift in the future.