Fairy Creek Protester Angela Davidson Sentenced to Jail for Civil Disobedience

Prominent protester Angela Davidson, also known as Rainbow Eyes, was sentenced to 60 days in jail on Wednesday for her role in the Fairy Creek old-growth logging protests. Davidson, who is a member of the Da’naxda’xw First Nation and a deputy leader of the federal Green Party, was found guilty of seven counts of criminal contempt for breaching an injunction granted to logging company Teal Cedar, but received credit for 12 days already served. Despite arguments for a lenient sentence, her repeated violations and the need for deterrence led to a sentence longer than the Crown’s recommendation. Davidson maintains that her actions were driven by natural law and the protection of the environment.

Doctor Suspended for Climate Activism

Dr. Sarah Benn, a former GP in Birmingham, has been suspended from practicing medicine for five months for her involvement in climate action protests. The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) cited her repeated participation in demonstrations and subsequent arrests and jailings as reasons for her suspension. Dr. Benn, who had stopped practicing in 2022, argued that she had a moral duty as a doctor to take action against the climate crisis, which she views as the greatest health risk facing society. The suspension has raised concerns within the medical community, with the BMA’s representative body chairwoman expressing that it sends a concerning message to doctors who are also concerned about climate change.

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