Climate Activists Glue Themselves to Munich Airport Runway, Causing Flight Disruptions

Climate activists from the Last Generation movement disrupted Munich Airport on a busy weekend, resulting in canceled and delayed flights. The protest drew attention to the environmental impact of air travel and criticized government subsidies for the airline industry. Despite the inconvenience caused to travelers, the activists defended their actions as necessary to highlight the urgent need for climate action.

Doctor Suspended for Climate Activism

Dr. Sarah Benn, a former GP in Birmingham, has been suspended from practicing medicine for five months for her involvement in climate action protests. The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) cited her repeated participation in demonstrations and subsequent arrests and jailings as reasons for her suspension. Dr. Benn, who had stopped practicing in 2022, argued that she had a moral duty as a doctor to take action against the climate crisis, which she views as the greatest health risk facing society. The suspension has raised concerns within the medical community, with the BMA’s representative body chairwoman expressing that it sends a concerning message to doctors who are also concerned about climate change.

Protestor Avoids Legal Action for Displaying Jury Placard

Trudi Warner, a 69-year-old protestor, has been spared legal action after holding up a placard outside a courtroom used by a jury. The sign, which read “Jurors have an absolute right to acquit a defendant according to their conscience,” sparked contempt of court charges from the Solicitor General’s lawyers. However, a judge dismissed the claim, stating that Warner’s actions were within her legal rights and did not interfere with the justice process.

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