OnLocation Releases Energy Outlook Report to Illuminate U.S. Energy System Transition through 2050

OnLocation, a KeyLogic company, has released its Energy Outlook (OL EH) report, providing insights into the future of the U.S. energy system through 2050. This report, developed using an enhanced version of the National Energy Modeling System (OL-NEMS), explores the impacts of clean technology innovation and enabling policies that could lead to deeper decarbonization. It presents two scenarios: Reference and Advanced Technologies, highlighting the potential for significant emissions reductions by 2050. OL EH is a valuable resource for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers seeking to understand and shape the evolving U.S. energy landscape.

Lufthansa to Charge Passengers Up to €72 for EU Climate Regulations

Lufthansa, the German airline giant, announced it will implement an environmental charge of up to €72 on European flights to cover the increasing costs of EU climate regulations. The charge will be added to flights departing from EU countries, Britain, Norway, and Switzerland starting in January 2024. The airline cites the EU’s requirement to increase the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as a major driver of the new charge.

Climate Change Hits Indian Marginal Farmers Hardest: Survey Reveals Dwindling Incomes and Crop Losses

A new survey highlights the devastating impact of climate change on Indian marginal farmers, revealing significant crop losses, income reductions, and livelihood shifts. The study, conducted by the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU) and Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED), surveyed 6,615 marginal farmers across 21 states and union territories, painting a stark picture of the challenges they face.

Over 1,300 Deaths During Hajj Pilgrimage Due to Extreme Heat

A record number of over 1,300 people have died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, primarily attributed to extreme heat. The majority of the fatalities were unauthorized pilgrims who endured long walks in soaring temperatures. Saudi authorities have been criticized for failing to prevent the deaths despite record spending on crowd control and safety measures. The tragedy highlights the increasing danger posed by climate change on religious gatherings.

Hawaii Commits to Sweeping Climate Action Plan After Landmark Youth Lawsuit

Hawaii has agreed to a comprehensive climate action plan after losing a lawsuit brought by thirteen children and teens who argued that the state’s inaction on climate change violated their constitutional rights. The settlement, a landmark victory for youth climate advocates, requires Hawaii to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, prioritizing transportation sector transformation and investing in renewable energy.

Balkan Power Outage Amidst Record-Breaking Heatwave

A widespread power outage struck the Balkans on Friday, leaving millions without electricity amidst a severe heatwave. The outage, which lasted for several hours in some areas, affected Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, and Albania. Experts attribute the extreme weather conditions to climate change, highlighting the need for preparedness and mitigation strategies.

Climate Change Amplifies Deadly Heatwave in North America

A new study reveals that human-caused climate change intensified the recent heatwave across North America, making it significantly hotter and more likely. The heatwave, which claimed at least 125 lives in Mexico alone, has shattered temperature records and led to widespread suffering. The study highlights the growing threat of extreme heat events as global warming continues, particularly for vulnerable populations.

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