LMP Capital and Income Fund: Strong Performance, Moderate Discount

The LMP Capital and Income Fund (SCD) has consistently outperformed its benchmark and peer group, delivering strong returns over the years. Its portfolio composition is well-positioned for the current economic environment, with overweights in energy, real estate, and value-oriented stocks. While the current discount to NAV is near historical highs, SCD remains an attractive long-term investment. Its focus on MLPs and REITs sets it apart from peers who are more heavily allocated to tech stocks or high-yield fixed income vehicles. However, higher expenses and a potential impact on distributions in the short term warrant caution.

DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund: A Review of its Income and Leverage Strategies

The DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund is a closed-end fund that seeks to provide investors with a high level of income. The fund primarily invests in below-investment-grade debt securities and emerging markets. While the fund has a reasonable leverage ratio compared to its peers, its low transparency and lack of recent financial information are concerns. The fund has a moderate 10.90% yield, but it has failed to cover its distributions over the past two years. Overall, the fund’s positioning is reasonable, but caution is advised due to the lack of transparency and the fund’s recent net asset value destruction.

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