Best Coffee Shops in Paris: A Guide to the City’s Top Spots

Paris is known for its romantic charm, but it also boasts a thriving coffee scene. From traditional French cafes to modern coffee shops with a Scandinavian vibe, the city offers a wide variety of options for your caffeine fix. This guide explores some of the best coffee shops in Paris, featuring a diverse range of menus, styles, and atmospheres. Whether you’re searching for perfectly crafted espresso, artisanal nut butters, or homemade pastries, you’re sure to find a spot that fits your taste.

Baristas Reveal the Stereotypes They Associate with Coffee Orders

Former barista Claudia Santos delves into the world of coffee stereotypes, inviting current and former baristas to share their thoughts on what certain drink orders say about customers. From the iced black redeye drinker who’s all about business to the matcha enthusiast who embodies a healthy lifestyle, baristas assign humorous and insightful stereotypes to these caffeine choices.

Kaulayaw Coffee: Uniting Community and Coffee with a Meaningful Mission

AJ Cabarles, founder of Kaulayaw Coffee, has etched a traditional Filipino word, “kaulayaw,” onto her arm, signifying the intimate bond she seeks to foster through her coffee. Driven by companionship, love, and a desire to give back, Kaulayaw was born. Despite initial skepticism, AJ’s passion and determination propelled the brand’s growth. Today, Kaulayaw not only serves exceptional coffee but also empowers local farmers by ethically sourcing beans from different regions of the Philippines, including Davao del Sur and Bukidnon. AJ’s ambition extends beyond entrepreneurship, as she aspires to inspire aspiring dreamers and contribute to community development.

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