Biden’s Cognitive Abilities Questioned After Debate and Interview

Following President Biden’s performance at the CNN Presidential Debate, concerns about his cognitive abilities have intensified. His interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos further fuelled these concerns as he refused to take a cognitive test and offered canned talking points. Experts and commentators question Biden’s fitness for office, emphasizing the potential risks for the country and the world. The article argues for Biden to step aside and allow Vice President Harris to assume the presidency, highlighting the need for a clear-headed leader in these critical times.

Biden’s Age Sparks Concerns Amidst Recent Gaffes

President Joe Biden’s age has become a source of concern following a string of gaffes, bizarre statements, and on-stage confusion. While some call for him to step down from the 2024 race, Biden remains committed to running. Calls for a cognitive test have been met with silence from his physician, who has never recommended such an assessment, according to the White House.

Trump Calls for Biden to Take Cognitive Test, Mixes Up Doctor’s Name

Former President Donald Trump has suggested that President Joe Biden undergo a cognitive test, while mistakenly referring to the doctor who administered his own test. Jackson, who was the White House physician during Trump’s presidency, was misidentified as “Ronny Johnson” by Trump. The comments come amid Trump’s repeated questioning of Biden’s mental sharpness. Critics seized on the gaffe, while the Biden campaign dismissed it as a misleading video. Trump also falsely claimed Biden turned away from skydivers landing at the G7 summit.

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