After being initially developed at Max, the horror comedy series ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ has now made the switch to Netflix. The move allows for the show to incorporate references to ‘The Sandman’ due to both series being based on comic books by Neil Gaiman. Despite initial plans to connect the two shows directly, legal reasons prevented the use of ‘Sandman’ IP. However, Netflix’s greenlighting of the ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ series gave the showrunners the opportunity to create a shared universe and incorporate Easter eggs and crossover elements with ‘The Sandman’.
Results for: Comic Books
Dawnrunner is a new original sci-fi comic series from Detective Comics writer Ram V and artist Evan Cagle that follows Anita Marr, a mech pilot in a post-apocalyptic future who must pilot a powerful new prototype to defeat an extra-dimensional threat. It’s a mecha-kaiju story, yes, but it’s also a ghost story, depicting the relationship between Anita and a weapon that seems to have a mind of its own — quite literally. It’s a big action-drama with big, beautiful artwork and even bigger questions at its core. For example: What do all human beings have in common, even centuries apart? Or another, as Cagle puts it: ‘What if the military-industrial complex acted more like Bandai?
Dynamite Entertainment expands its ThunderCats comic universe with a new Cheetara spin-off series. The series, created by writer/artist Soo Lee and artist Domenico Carbone, will delve into Cheetara’s past on Thundera before the ThunderCats’ arrival on Third Earth. Cheetara, an ’80s cult icon, is known for her speed and clairvoyance, and the series promises to explore her character’s depth beyond her iconic appearance.
An Easter egg in the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer has been met with a humorous response from Rob Liefeld, the co-creator of Deadpool. The reference, which pokes fun at Liefeld’s history of drawing peculiar-looking feet in comic books, was deemed an “absolute honor” by the artist. This is not the first time Liefeld has been acknowledged in Deadpool movies, with previous references in the opening credits of the first film and a cameo in Deadpool 2. Liefeld is also credited with creating other popular characters such as Cable and Domino.
Youtuber Sean McLoughlin, known as Jacksepticeye, expands his Altrverse comic book series with two new issues: ‘Void Silver #1’ and ‘The Somewhat Incredible Jackie-Boy Man #1’. ‘Void Silver’ follows the gifted magician Marvin the Magnificent, while ‘Jackie-Boy Man’ features a relatable superhero inspired by pop culture.