Painting London’s Roofs White Could Cool the City by 3.6 Degrees Fahrenheit

A new study suggests painting London’s rooftops white could significantly reduce the city’s outdoor temperature by up to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, offering a potential solution to the increasing urban heat island effect brought on by climate change. The study compared various cooling strategies, finding that cool roofs were most effective, while air conditioning surprisingly warmed the city.

Green Roofs: A Biodiversity Boon, but Not the Coolest Solution

While green roofs offer significant biodiversity benefits, a new study reveals they may not be the most effective solution for cooling cities. Researchers found that green roofs, while reducing daytime temperatures, increase surrounding temperatures at night due to plant transpiration. In contrast, cool roofs, with their reflective properties, prove more effective in deflecting heat and mitigating urban heat islands. The study highlights the trade-offs between environmental benefits and cooling efficiency when choosing roof modifications.

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