The Joyriders (1999) is a captivating American action film that follows the journey of Gordon, an older man who finds himself abducted by a trio of runaway teenagers. Directed by Bradley Battersby, the film features an exceptional cast, including Martin Landau as Gordon, Shawn Hatosy as Cam, Heather McComb as Crystal, and Elisabeth Moss as Jodi. The story unfolds with unexpected twists and turns, showcasing the development of a unique bond between Gordon and the teenagers. Prime Video subscribers can access this thrilling film for streaming, providing an immersive viewing experience with its compelling narrative and exceptional cast.
Results for: Crime Drama
Prepare yourself for ‘Undertow,’ an intriguing drama set to premiere on Netflix later in 2024. This captivating series stars Jamie Dornan in dual roles as identical twins Adam and Lee and Mackenzie Davis as Nicola, a woman caught in a loveless marriage. After a tragic accident, Nicola finds herself entangled in a web of secrets and forbidden desires with Lee, her husband’s brother.
Jana – Marked for Life premiered its first season on Amazon Prime Video. The crime-drama series follows public prosecutor Jana Berzelius as she investigates murders with a scar symbol that links to her past. News about a second season may be announced after the release of all episodes in the first season.