UK to Build New Facility to Counter GPS Jamming Threats

The UK Ministry of Defence announced the construction of a new facility designed to protect military equipment from GPS jamming, a growing threat. This state-of-the-art facility will be one of the largest in Europe and will test equipment like drones, helicopters, and fighter jets in a specialized hangar to ensure their resilience against electromagnetic interference.

National Public Data Confirms Data Breach, But Impact May Be Smaller Than Initially Reported

National Public Data (NPD) has confirmed a data breach that may have affected some user information. While initial reports suggested a staggering 2.9 billion records were compromised, official statements from NPD and the Maine Attorney General’s office indicate the actual number of affected individuals could be significantly lower, potentially affecting only 1.3 million people. This makes the breach less severe than initially feared but still a serious issue, prompting NPD to advise users to take preventive measures against potential fraud.

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