Daisy Ridley Breaks Free from the ‘Star Wars Curse’ in ‘Sometimes I Think About Dying’

Daisy Ridley has long been typecast as Rey in the ‘Star Wars’ sequels, but her performance in ‘Sometimes I Think About Dying’ proves she has the range and talent to move beyond that iconic role. In this indie drama, Ridley plays Fran, a lonely introvert who struggles with social anxiety. It’s a transformative role that showcases Ridley’s ability to convey vulnerability and depth without uttering a word. The film balances humor and pathos as Fran navigates her inner struggles and builds an unlikely connection with a new colleague. While Ridley’s return to ‘Star Wars’ has raised concerns about her career trajectory, ‘Sometimes I Think About Dying’ suggests she has the potential to break free from the ‘Star Wars’ curse and establish herself as a versatile and acclaimed actress.

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