Delhi Crime Branch Questions Suspects in Salman Khan House Firing Incident

In connection with the Salman Khan house firing incident, officials from the Delhi Crime Branch questioned Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal in Mumbai for three hours. Lawrence Bishnoi and Anmol Bishnoi, who have been named as the primary perpetrators of the incident, are now wanted accused. The Crime Branch has filed a case against four individuals, including the Bishnoi brothers, and is actively searching for additional cell phones that may have been in the suspects’ possession. The investigation has also revealed a second pistol, magazines, and rounds recovered from the Tapi River, leading authorities to believe that the accused may have been planning other attacks. The incident, which occurred on April 14, involved two suspects firing four rounds outside Khan’s apartment building before fleeing on a motorcycle. They were captured on CCTV footage wearing caps and backpacks and were initially apprehended by Kutch Police before being transferred to the Mumbai Crime Branch. The court has granted custody of the suspects to the Crime Branch until April 25, and additional charges have been filed against them.

Salman Khan Firing Incident: Two Accused Interrogated by Delhi Crime Branch

Delhi Crime Branch officials interrogated two accused, Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, for three hours in Mumbai regarding the firing incident outside Salman Khan’s residence on April 14th. The accused are believed to be part of a conspiracy involving gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and his brother, Anmol. The interrogation revealed that the shooters had attempted to target Khan’s farmhouse before settling on his residence. The Crime Branch is currently searching for additional phones belonging to the accused.

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