US House Demands Investigation into Pakistan Election Interference

The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution calling for an independent investigation into alleged interference in Pakistan’s 2024 elections. The resolution, which was overwhelmingly supported by US lawmakers, expresses concern over reports of intimidation, violence, and restrictions on internet access during the elections. The Pakistani government has criticized the resolution, claiming it stems from a misunderstanding of the country’s political situation and does not reflect the positive state of bilateral ties.

Jonathan Turley Warns of ‘Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period’ in History

Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley, in his new book ‘The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,’ argues that the United States is experiencing the most dangerous period for free speech in its history. He cites a powerful alliance between government, corporations, and academia that is increasingly restricting free expression, citing concerns about ‘fake news’ and ‘disinformation.’ Turley warns that this alliance threatens the core values of American democracy, comparing it to historical crackdowns on dissent. Despite the alarming trends, he maintains that the human need for free speech will ultimately prevail.

Modi Urges Opposition to Focus on Substance, Not Slogans

Prime Minister Narendra Modi called upon the opposition to prioritize the needs of the people and maintain the dignity of democracy, urging them to focus on action rather than empty slogans. He emphasized the importance of a strong and responsible opposition, noting that the country needs concrete solutions, not theatrics. Modi also highlighted the 50th anniversary of the Emergency, describing it as a dark chapter in India’s history and vowing to protect the Constitution and democratic values.

India’s Myanmar Dilemma: Balancing Interests with Values

Three years after Myanmar’s military coup, India’s continued engagement with the junta raises ethical concerns. This article argues for a more progressive, values-driven policy focusing on democracy and human security, urging India to use its democratic credentials, halt weapons sales, open humanitarian corridors, and protect asylum seekers.

UK Election Funding: Uncapped Donations Fuel Corruption Concerns

The UK’s political system allows unlimited donations to parties, leading to concerns about corruption and undue influence. While scandals have plagued the system, reforms have been elusive due to a lack of cross-party consensus. Experts argue that the current system allows for excessive influence from wealthy donors and calls for stricter regulations, including a cap on donations, to protect democratic integrity.

Clinton Compares Trump to Hitler, Warns of Threat to Democracy

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has drawn parallels between former President Donald Trump and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, warning that democracy is at stake in the upcoming presidential election. Clinton’s comments come on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, which she used to highlight the importance of protecting democracy. The Trump campaign dismissed her claims, calling Clinton a ‘stone-cold loser’ and accusing her of trying to stay relevant. Biden, seeking re-election, has consistently attacked Trump as a threat to democracy, while Trump has defended his actions as protecting election integrity.

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