House Speaker Johnson Unveils Three-Pronged Strategy to Counter Alleged DOJ ‘Weaponization’

House Speaker Mike Johnson has outlined a comprehensive plan to address concerns about the alleged weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) against former President Donald Trump. The strategy focuses on oversight, appropriations, and legislation, with the aim of reining in what Johnson sees as the politicization of the agency. Johnson’s announcement comes amid Trump’s ongoing legal battles in several jurisdictions.

Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas Faces Indictment, Details Expected Friday

Democratic Representative Henry Cuellar of Texas will face indictment from the Department of Justice, according to sources. The specific charges are yet to be disclosed but are anticipated to be made public on Friday. The indictment stems from an ongoing investigation into a group of American businessmen and their alleged ties to Azerbaijan. In 2022, federal authorities conducted a raid on Cuellar’s residence and office as part of the investigation. Cuellar and his staff have agreed to cooperate with the inquiry, which has included subpoenas for the congressman, his spouse, and associates. Cuellar has denied any wrongdoing and asserted that he has acted solely to serve the people of Texas throughout his tenure in Congress. He has specifically defended his wife’s qualifications, emphasizing her accomplishments in business and her contributions to the community.

Sen. Vance Demands Answers from DOJ Over Alleged Hiring Bias Against US Citizens in Favor of Migrants

Republican Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio has raised concerns that companies are prioritizing hiring migrant workers over U.S. citizens, potentially violating federal law. Senator Vance’s letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) requests information on whether the DOJ is fulfilling its duty to protect American workers from employment practices that favor non-citizens. The letter highlights reports of companies, such as Tyson Foods, actively recruiting and hiring asylum seekers for jobs, although they are not protected under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The INA prohibits hiring decisions based on an American job seeker’s citizenship status and requires protections for U.S. citizens in hiring processes. Senator Vance questions whether companies’ hiring quotas align with this mandate. The letter inquires about ongoing investigations into companies using refugee hiring quotas unlawfully and urges the IER to initiate investigations if they have not yet.

Edward Snowden Condemns DOJ Attack on Financial Privacy, Advocates for Privacy by Default

Edward Snowden has denounced the U.S. Department of Justice’s recent actions against app developers, emphasizing the significance of financial privacy. The arrest of the founders and CEO of cryptocurrency mixing service Samourai Wallet for alleged money laundering and unlicensed money transmitting offenses sparked Snowden’s criticism. The former CIA contractor believes that making money private by default and rejecting exceptionalism in privacy are crucial to preventing criminalization.

Four Iranian Nationals Indicted for Alleged ‘Malicious Cyber Ops’ Campaign Targeting US Entities

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has indicted four Iranian nationals for allegedly participating in a multi-year cyber campaign that targeted various entities in the US, including the State and Treasury departments, defense contractors, and private companies in New York.  The campaign involved computer intrusions, fraudulent wire transfers, and the deployment of malware. The indicted individuals are accused of working for Mahak Rayan Afraz, a company allegedly used as a front for their operations. The US government has also announced rewards for information leading to their capture and sanctions against the group and its members.

House Republican Demands Answers on Former Biden Admin Attorney’s Hiring in Trump Prosecution

Representative Lance Gooden (R-TX) has sent a scathing letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, demanding answers regarding the hiring of a former Biden administration attorney on the prosecution team of former President Donald Trump. Gooden’s letter highlights concerns over the politicization of Trump’s prosecution and the collusion between the Biden Administration’s DOJ and the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.

Biden’s Antisemitism Problem Is a Disgrace

President Biden has an antisemitism problem that is large and growing larger. It is his problem and he can’t shed responsibility for it. The people who work for him are not doing their jobs to stop discrimination against Jews in America.This problem has been evident for six months, reaching a climax at Columbia and Yale Universities. Police have taken some action against violent protesters, but the Biden Departments of Education and Justice have been MIA.

The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights website acknowledges that discrimination based on race, color, or national origin is prohibited in federally funded programs. However, despite the numerous reports of antisemitic harassment at Columbia, Yale, Harvard, and other universities, the DOE-OCR has not taken any meaningful action.

The organization Campus Reform has filed numerous complaints about anti-Semitism on American campuses, but the Biden administration seems to be ignoring them. The Department of Justice has also failed to file any civil rights actions against colleges or universities for antisemitic acts.

In sharp contrast, the State Department is prepared to sanction units in the Israeli Defense Forces for alleged war crimes. This shows that the Biden administration is more concerned with finding fault with Israel than with protecting the civil rights of Jews in the United States.

It is up to voters to punish this disgusting abdication of enforcement of the country’s civil rights laws. Let’s hope no student has to be killed before the DOE and DOJ act.

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