Pakistan’s Controversial Afghan Deportation: Second Phase Sparks International Condemnation

Pakistan has initiated the second phase of its controversial plan to deport undocumented Afghan refugees, facing criticism from the international community, including the United Nations. The plan, citing security concerns and economic strain, aims to expel over 800,000 Afghans, adding to the 541,000 already deported in November 2022. The UN and refugee organizations argue that the deportations are exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation in Afghanistan and urge Pakistan to consider the profiles of individuals before expelling them.

EU Deportation Rates Surge as Bloc Tightens Immigration Control

The European Union is increasingly deporting non-EU citizens, with a growing proportion being returned to countries outside the bloc. This trend reflects a hardening stance on irregular migration, driven by concerns over rising arrivals and pressure from nationalist parties. The number of deportation orders and successful deportations has risen significantly, with France and Germany leading the way.

Indian Student’s Elaborate Lies Exposed by Reddit Post, Leading to Expulsion and Deportation

A 19-year-old Indian student, Aryan Anand, was expelled from Lehigh University and deported back to India after his elaborate scheme to secure admission and financial aid was uncovered by a Reddit moderator. Anand had forged transcripts, financial statements, and even a death certificate to gain entry, but his lies were exposed when he confessed in a Reddit post. He ultimately pleaded guilty to forgery and faced potential jail time but was spared after university officials intervened.

Germany Tightens Deportation Laws for Foreigners Glorifying Terror

Germany has introduced stricter deportation laws for foreigners who glorify terrorist acts online. The new rules, prompted by a surge in hate posts following the Gaza war and a recent stabbing, aim to expel individuals who express support for even a single terrorist act. The government argues that such online glorification fuels a climate of violence and poses a threat to national security.

Japan Enacts New Asylum Laws, Sparking Concerns from Activists

Japan has implemented stricter immigration laws that expedite the deportation of failed asylum seekers, raising concerns among campaigners who fear it could endanger vulnerable individuals. Under the revised law, asylum seekers who have been rejected three times can now be deported, eliminating their ability to remain in the country while appealing decisions. Critics have expressed worries about the transparency of Japan’s screening process, arguing that the new rules could increase the risk of persecution for applicants after repatriation. The Japan Association for Refugees has called for a fair system that adheres to international standards to protect asylum seekers in Japan.

Illegal Migrant Accused of Second-Degree Murder in Las Vegas

An illegal migrant with a criminal record has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder in Las Vegas. Jorge Miranda, a 46-year-old from Ecuador, is accused of selling fentanyl to a man who later died of an overdose. Miranda has been deported from the U.S. in the past, but returned illegally. A search of his home revealed drugs, firearms, and cash. Despite a detainer request from ICE, local police say they do not conduct immigration checks.

Sen. Marco Rubio Now Backs Military-Assisted Deportation Plan, Citing Surge in Illegal Immigration

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has reversed his stance on former President Trump’s deportation plan, now supporting the use of the military to remove illegal immigrants from the country. Rubio previously criticized Trump’s plan, but argues that the increased flow of migrants in recent years, some of whom he believes could be “terrorists,” necessitates more drastic measures.

House Passes Bill to Deport Migrants Who Assault Police Officers

The House of Representatives passed a bill on Wednesday aimed at deporting illegal immigrants who assault police officers. The bill, known as the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act, passed in a 265 to 148 vote with 54 Democrats voting with the GOP. The bill would require undocumented migrants to be detained by federal authorities until they can be deported. It would also create a new category for migrant inadmissibility specifically dealing with migrants who were accused of assaulting police. The bill comes after several instances of migrants attacking police have gained national attention recently, as the country continues to grapple with the ongoing migrant crisis at the southern border.

Surge in Chinese Illegal Crossings Concerns Lawmakers, Officials

Chinese illegal immigrants are crossing the US-Mexico border in record numbers, raising concerns about potential espionage and the flow of fentanyl into the country. Border authorities apprehended over 200 Chinese nationals in San Diego Sector alone on May 1 and May 2, surpassing the total number encountered in all of Fiscal Year 2021. Lawmakers have expressed concerns that the Chinese Communist Party may be directing some of these immigrants to engage in espionage, while others have raised alarms about the use of Chinese precursors in fentanyl production. The Biden administration has emphasized consequences for illegal entry, but the majority of Chinese immigrants are mass released due to China’s lack of cooperation with deportation flights.

ICE Apprehends Remaining Fugitive in Manhattan Shopping Spree and Assault Case

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has apprehended the last member of a group of illegal immigrants involved in a shoplifting incident and assault on a New York police officer in Manhattan. Brayan Freites-Macias, a 21-year-old Venezuelan, was arrested in New York City on Wednesday after being located near his residence. ICE had previously lodged detainer requests with the New York City Department of Corrections for Freites-Macias but officials refused to honor them, resulting in his release back into the community.

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