Heatwaves: Closed Schools Lead to Education Disparities

As heat waves become more frequent and intense due to climate change, the debate intensifies over whether to keep schools open or closed during these extreme conditions. While keeping schools open during heat waves raises concerns about student health, the consequences of school closures are equally concerning, such as widening learning gaps between developed and developing countries, and making children more vulnerable to exploitation. The decision of whether to close or open schools during heat waves has become a global challenge, requiring careful consideration by education authorities and public health experts.

Nusantara: Indonesia’s New Capital City – Balancing Economic Boom with Environmental Concerns

Nusantara, Indonesia’s planned new capital city, is a bold and ambitious project that aims to redistribute wealth and create a more accessible administrative center while addressing the challenges of overcrowding, traffic congestion, and environmental degradation in Jakarta. However, the project has also raised concerns about its impact on the surrounding natural environment and indigenous communities.

Balancing the need for economic development with environmental sustainability is a complex challenge for many developing countries, and Indonesia is no exception. The government must carefully weigh the potential benefits of the new capital against the risks to the environment and the rights of indigenous peoples.

Ultimately, the success of Nusantara will depend on the government’s ability to implement the project in a sustainable and inclusive manner that respects the ecological integrity of the surrounding forest and coastal waters and ensures fair compensation and relocation assistance for affected communities.

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