PM Modi Advocates for Breaking Technology Monopoly, Highlights Global South’s Challenges

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the G7 summit in Italy, calling for an end to monopolies in the technology sector. He emphasized the impact of global uncertainties and tensions on developing nations in the ‘global south.’ Modi emphasized India’s contributions and his government’s commitment to developing the country. He noted that countries in the global south are disproportionately affected by global challenges.

Ransomware Attacks: Developing Nations Become Testing Grounds for Cybercriminals

In the evolving landscape of ransomware attacks, hackers are exploiting developing nations as experimental playgrounds to test their malicious software before targeting enterprises in more affluent regions. Organizations in Africa, Latin America, and Asia often possess weaker cybersecurity defenses and attract less attention, making them ideal targets for these cybercriminals. Instances of ransomware attacks have been witnessed in Senegal, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina, with the same malware strains later surface in Europe and North America.

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