Elgin Township Mental Health Board Levy Blocked Again by Kane County Clerk’s Office

The Elgin Township 708 Mental Health Board’s request to levy taxes has been blocked for the second time in four years by the Kane County Clerk’s Office due to a state law violation. The board had requested $1.4 million, but the clerk’s office cited the Property Tax Extension Law Limit, which prohibits levies higher than the previous year’s amount. A bill pending in the General Assembly could resolve the issue, but it may not pass in time for this year’s levy. As a result, the maximum amount the township can collect is $80,000. The township is exploring other funding options, such as American Rescue Plan Allocation funds, to support the board’s programs. Voters had approved a 2020 referendum to establish the board and a new tax, but the initiative faced previous setbacks due to wording issues in the referendum question.

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