As India faces a scorching summer with predicted heatwave days, it’s crucial to pay attention to our diet to stay hydrated and healthy. Certain foods can worsen discomfort, bloating, and dehydration in hot weather. Avoiding spicy, fried, sugary foods and drinks, and limiting red meat consumption can help alleviate heat-related symptoms.
Results for: Dietary Recommendations
A recent study by researchers at USC Keck School of Medicine has found that a combination of solid fats, refined grains, and cheese is linked to higher rates of preeclampsia among low-income Latinas in Los Angeles, while those who ate vegetables, fruits, and meals made with healthy oils were less likely to develop the illness. The study suggests that dietary recommendations for pregnant Latinas should incorporate more foods from their culture, as they showed a stronger correlation with lower rates of preeclampsia than the Healthy Eating Index-2015.