$30 Million Gift to Cathedral High School Ensures Affordability for Students in Need

Cathedral High School, a South End landmark for nearly a century, has received its largest-ever gift: a $30 million matching grant from an anonymous donor. This generous donation will enable the school to continue its mission of providing an affordable education to students from all backgrounds, regardless of their financial circumstances. About 98 percent of Cathedral’s 340 students are Black or Latino, and the vast majority are from the city. Every student receives some form of financial aid, with most paying only a small fraction of the $20,000 annual tuition.

Real Americans: A Novel Explores the Ethical Implications of Gene Editing and Parental Choice

Rachel Khong’s second novel, “Real Americans,” is a thought-provoking exploration of the ethical dilemmas surrounding gene editing and parental choice. Set against the backdrop of real-world scientific advancements, the story follows two families whose lives are intertwined by a twist of fate and the decisions made for their children. Khong deftly explores themes of power, identity, privilege, and the limits of human agency.

David Mamet Slams Hollywood Diversity Standards, Urges Jews to Withdraw Support from Democrats

Award-winning playwright and screenwriter David Mamet has vehemently criticized Hollywood’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts, labeling them as “fascist totalitarianism.” Mamet also urged Jews to cease supporting Democrats and expressed concern about antisemitism on college campuses. During an interview with The Los Angeles Times, he denounced the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ recently implemented diversity standards for the “Best Picture” Oscar, arguing that they stifled creativity and were overly burdensome.

White Actors Should Be Able to Play Black Roles, Says ‘Homeland’ Actor David Harewood

Actor David Harewood has sparked controversy by arguing that White actors should be able to play Black characters in Hollywood. Harewood, who is the new president of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), made the comments in an interview with The Guardian. He said that identity politics should not be a factor in casting decisions and that any actor should be able to play any role, provided they do a good job. Harewood’s comments have been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised him for speaking out against identity politics in Hollywood, while others have accused him of being insensitive to the issue of racial representation. The debate over identity politics in Hollywood casting is likely to continue, as more and more actors and filmmakers speak out on the issue.

Freedom and the Environment: Lessons from Nature for Democratic Societies

Amidst the joy of celebrating freedom in Israel, the poignant reminder of hostages held in Gaza highlights the Jewish value of collective responsibility and empathy. This perspective extends to all humanity, emphasizing interconnectedness and our shared responsibility for the well-being of others. Exploring the shift in Jewish new year celebrations from spring to fall, the article suggests that this move represents a transition from a particularistic Jewish identity to a more universal creation story and a recognition of nature as our common ground. The article then examines the concept of freedom in democratic societies, drawing on the four freedoms articulated by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt’s incorporation of these principles into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Nature, with its interdependent relationships, adaptability, and celebration of diversity, provides valuable lessons for fostering healthy and vibrant democracies. The article concludes by calling for an expansion of our identities, embracing a broader sense of interconnectedness and transcending the barriers created by narrow perspectives and fear of change.

India’s Diversity Demands Inclusivity, Not Uniformity: JNU Vice Chancellor

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Vice Chancellor Santishree Pandit emphasized that India’s diverse nature precludes the imposition of uniformity in religion, language, or dress code. She highlighted the challenges of mandating a single national language, especially in regions where Hindi is not widely accepted. Pandit stressed the importance of recognizing the sensitivity of language issues and the need for a balanced representation of cultural histories in the education system.

Education’s Uncertain Future: A Look Ahead at the Next Secretary

The future of American education is in flux as conservatives push for drastic changes to address concerns about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and learning loss. Various individuals and organizations have expressed interest in leading the Department of Education under a potential second Trump administration, with priorities ranging from school choice to dismantling the department itself. The current landscape includes grassroots movements opposing critical race theory and gender ideology in K-12 schools, while higher education institutions face pressure to eliminate DEI programs and focus on academic achievement.

Blackhouse Foundation Teams Up with Starz on Producers’ Fellowship for Black Female Creators

The Blackhouse Foundation has joined forces with Starz #TakeTheLead to launch a groundbreaking producers’ fellowship specifically tailored to support mid-career female-identifying producers in the realm of episodic television. This exclusive program has handpicked five exceptional candidates – Sue-Ellen Chitunya, Jessica L. Funches, Moira Griffin, Dahéli Hall, and Trevite Willis – for its inaugural year.

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