Indian Predator Season 1, aptly titled ‘Beast of Bangalore,’ is a captivating true-crime docu-drama that delves into the sinister and chilling case of Umesh Reddy, a former police officer who became a serial killer, terrorizing Karnataka in the 1990s. The series follows the investigation and trial as the authorities strive to unravel the horrifying crimes committed against 18 young women.
Results for: Docu-drama
‘My Wiggly Friend’ Season 1 takes viewers on a tantalizing culinary adventure, showcasing the diverse and delectable rice noodle dishes of China. This five-part docu-drama series provides insights into the passion and artistry of chefs from various regions, as they present lip-smacking creations ranging from sour noodles with fermented tomatoes to mutton rice noodles. Directed by Chen Yi, the series offers a captivating exploration of Chinese food culture, highlighting the intricacies and flavors of rice noodle cuisine.
Immerse yourself in the powerful journey of The Changemakers Season 1, an eight-episode docu-drama series available exclusively on Paramount Plus. This inspiring series showcases the incredible efforts of activists, volunteers, and visionaries as they strive to make a positive impact on the world.