Thai Man Arrested for Killing and Eating Pet Dog After It Bit His Nephew

A 42-year-old man in Chiang Mai, Thailand, has been arrested for killing and eating his pet dog after it bit his 7-year-old nephew. The incident was captured on CCTV camera and led to the man’s arrest after a complaint from the Watchdog Thailand Foundation (WDT).

The man, identified as Songwut Chuathong, admitted to killing his dog, Mon, and initially refused to disclose what he had done with its body. However, upon further interrogation, he revealed that he had eaten the dog and shared some of its meat with a friend named Roj. Police found leftover dog meat in Songwut’s refrigerator during a search of his home.

Songwut claimed he killed the dog in anger after it bit his nephew, who he described as an exceptional child. He also believed that he would not be charged for killing his own dog. Songwut and his friend Roj have been charged with theft, abandoning an animal carcass in a public place, and animal cruelty under Thailand’s Criminal Law and the Act on Animal Cruelty Prevention and Animal Welfare.

South Dakota Governor Admits Killing Her Own Dog After Hunting Trip

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has admitted to killing her own dog, a 14-month-old wirehaired pointer named Cricket, after a hunting trip. In her upcoming book, No Going Back, Noem describes Cricket as having an “aggressive personality” and being disobedient. She says she tried to discipline the dog but was unsuccessful. One day, Cricket escaped from Noem’s truck and attacked a nearby family’s chickens, killing several of them. Noem says she realized at that moment that she had to “put her down.”

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