This summer, Doraemon, the beloved blue robotic cat, is bringing his latest invention, the “100% Friends-Calling Bell,” to Hong Kong. Teaming up with the MTR Corporation, Doraemon is transforming the Light Rail Siu Hong Stop into a themed platform and launching three special trains that will sprinkle delight and inspiration throughout the MTR network. The Doraemon-themed Platform at Siu Hong Stop features vibrant dark blue hues and thematic decorations, inviting passengers on a memorable voyage. The Light Rail Vehicle has also been transformed with Doraemon’s signature elements, including pink “Anywhere Doors” and a giant “100% Friends-Calling Bell.” Inside, Doraemon-themed designs grace the ceilings, handrails, and seats. Two additional themed trains will operate on the East Rail Line and Airport Express, offering a unique visual treat with Doraemon-themed interiors. MTR Managing Director Jeny Yeung highlights the special place Doraemon holds in Hong Kong’s collective memories and expresses delight in bringing the themed platform and trains to passengers. SK Lam, Founder of AllRightsReserved, emphasizes the collaborative effort to surprise everyone with Doraemon’s presence in Hong Kong. This collaboration aims to resonate with the exhibition’s theme of true friendship and encourages visitors to gather at the Avenue of Stars for the “100% DORAEMON & FRIENDS Tour (Hong Kong)” on July 13th.