Ukrainian Elite Captures Russian Tank with Suspected Secret Technology

An elite Ukrainian unit successfully captured a £1 million Russian T-72 tank, suspected of carrying advanced electronic warfare technology. After a daring three-day mission, the tank was seized from a frontline position near Terny in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian forces believed the tank possessed a jamming system capable of disrupting drone operations. However, upon closer examination, the system proved to be a makeshift arrangement of antennae and transmitters. Ukraine is heavily reliant on first-person-view (FPV) drones to destroy enemy tanks, as over two-thirds of Russian tanks lost in recent months have been taken out by FPVs. While Ukraine’s drone warfare capabilities are impressive, it lacks the quantity and intensity of drones compared to Russia. However, Ukraine aims to procure vast numbers of drones, including 200,000 in 2023 and a million in 2024. Despite the effectiveness of FPV drones, experts emphasize that they cannot replace artillery units, which Ukraine critically needs.

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