India Raises Prices of Essential Medicines for Diabetes, Heart Disease, and More

The Indian government has adjusted prices for several essential drugs, including those for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, bacterial infections, and allergies. While some medications saw an increase, others, such as metformin and ciprofloxacin, experienced price reductions. The NPPA’s decision was based on recent changes in wholesale inflation and aims to ensure the availability of essential medicines at affordable prices.

Trump’s Health Care Priorities Remain Uncertain with Focus on Drug Costs and ACA

Former president Donald Trump’s health care priorities for a potential second term remain unclear, but there are indications that he would focus on reforming drug pricing policies and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) markets. While Trump has wavered on abortion bans and the repeal of the ACA, he has consistently expressed interest in finding ways to lower drug costs. If elected, Trump could tailor Medicare’s drug pricing plan to his own approach, potentially resurrecting efforts to base certain American drug prices on lower prices in peer countries. However, Republicans may face resistance in repealing the drug pricing negotiation plan passed in the Inflation Reduction Act, making it more likely that Trump would pursue incremental reforms. Trump has also signaled a willingness to make changes to the ACA, but has avoided outright repeal due to its popularity with voters. Instead, he may opt for more modest reforms, such as promoting alternative insurance options and rolling back premium tax credits.

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