Proposed BMI Changes Sparks Concerns and Frustration

A proposed change to the body mass index (BMI) has raised concerns among campaigners, experts, and eating disorder survivors. The researchers suggest lowering the BMI range for people over 40 to 27, arguing that the current threshold for obesity ‘may not be appropriate’ for older adults. However, critics argue that BMI is already an inaccurate measurement and that the proposed change could lead to more people being labeled ‘obese,’ leading to shame and guilt. They also question the accuracy of BMI and its use in determining health outcomes.

Keeping Kosher on Passover: A Journey of Faith and Food

The author, who has struggled with disordered eating in the past, reflects on the challenges and rewards of observing the Jewish holiday of Passover. Despite her initial anxiety about restricting her food intake, she finds that the act of keeping kosher connects her to her faith and reminds her that Judaism is more than just a religion; it’s a way of life. While she doesn’t know if she’ll continue to keep kosher in the future, she appreciates the opportunity to have experienced it and to have learned more about her Jewish heritage.

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