Climate Activists Use Lawsuits to Attack Fossil Fuels: Stephen Moore Sounds the Alarm

Stephen Moore, co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, criticizes the growing trend of lawsuits targeting fossil fuel companies and states for their use of energy. He argues these lawsuits, often driven by environmental groups and trial lawyers, threaten to abolish fossil fuels through the courts, ignoring the devastating economic and social consequences. Moore emphasizes the life-saving and economic benefits of fossil fuels, while questioning the validity of claims about their negative environmental impact.

Biden Administration Approves Smallest Offshore Drilling Program in US History

The Biden administration has approved the smallest offshore oil and gas leasing program in US history, with only three lease sales planned over the next five years in the Gulf of Mexico. This move has been criticized by the energy industry, which argues that it will limit investment, production, and national security. The lack of offshore lease sales has also been seen as a competitive advantage for other countries that do not have the same restrictions.

Mexico Reverses Oil Export Cut Plan Amid Refinery Fires

Mexico has reversed a plan to reduce oil exports after fires at two Pemex refineries impacted domestic demand for the commodity. Pemex had initially planned to cut exports by up to 436,000 barrels per day in May in order to supply its refineries. However, the fires at the Salina Cruz and Lazaro Cardenas refineries have disrupted operations, reducing the need for imported crude. Additionally, Pemex announced that its new Dos Bocas refinery is expected to reach full capacity in September, potentially further reducing the need for exports. This move highlights the challenges faced by Pemex as it seeks to boost domestic refining capacity while managing declining production.

Tear Down the Last Vestiges of House Bill 6 for a Brighter Ohio Future

The infamous House Bill 6 (HB 6) scandal continues to haunt Ohio, casting a shadow over the state’s political landscape. Four years after its passage, new revelations of dark-money payments to politicians emerge, highlighting the urgent need to eradicate this symbol of corruption. The author urges the state legislature to repeal the remaining portions of HB 6, which continue to burden ratepayers and hinder Ohio’s transition to a clean energy future. Additionally, they advocate for comprehensive campaign finance reform measures, including the disclosure of all political donations and the tightening of ethics and lobbying laws. By embracing transparency and accountability, Ohio can break free from the cycle of scandal and build a more ethical and responsive government.

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