Power Down for Savings: Switch Off Devices Overnight

Leaving electronic devices powered on overnight can significantly increase energy bills and shorten device lifespans. Consumers can save significant amounts by unplugging smartphones, laptops, and appliances when not in use, including TVs, PCs, and gaming consoles. Experts recommend unplugging laptops even when not charging to prevent energy loss and fire hazards. Unplugging coffee makers, kettles, and other kitchen appliances also reduces electricity consumption and prolongs their lifespan. While it’s important to power down devices overnight, routers should remain plugged in for software updates and uninterrupted broadband connectivity.

Home Energy Rebates from Inflation Reduction Act to Flow Soon

Rebates tied to home energy efficiency created by the Inflation Reduction Act are expected to start flowing to consumers within months. The federal government is issuing $8.8 billion for Home Energy Rebates programs through states, territories, and tribes. New York is the first state to receive funding, with an initial allocation of $158 million. The rebates aim to partially or fully offset costs for efficiency projects like installing electric heat pumps, insulation, and Energy Star-rated appliances. The value of the rebates can reach up to $14,000 per household, depending on the state’s program design.

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