Tragedy Strikes English Channel as Five Migrants Die Amidst Deportation Bill Approval

At least five individuals perished in an attempt to cross the English Channel, according to French media reports. This tragic incident occurred just hours after the UK Parliament granted approval to the controversial migrant deportation bill. The victims’ bodies were discovered on Wimereaux beach in northern France on Tuesday. Human rights organizations have condemned the legislation as cruel and inhumane, expressing concerns that it will only exacerbate the risks faced by migrants resorting to desperate measures to escape persecution or poverty.

Five Migrants Die Attempting to Cross English Channel

Five migrants, attempting to cross the busy stretch of water from a shoreline near Wimereux, France, have died this morning. The French coast guard reported numerous lifeless bodies and stated that it had been a busy morning for crossings. This incident comes a day after the House of Lords backed Rishi Sunak’s plan to deport migrants to Rwanda.

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