Agent Orange Fears Haunt Remote Nevada Reservation

A remote Nevada reservation, home to the Shoshone-Paiute tribes, is grappling with the potential contamination of its land and water by Agent Orange, a chemical herbicide linked to cancer and other health issues. The discovery of a decades-old document suggests the US government may have used Agent Orange on the reservation, raising concerns about the health of tribal members and the future of their ancestral land.

Forever Chemicals: New Research Highlights Skin Absorption of PFAS and Growing Health Concerns

Recent research has revealed that ‘forever chemicals’ known as PFAS can be absorbed through human skin, adding to existing concerns about their potential health impacts. PFAS, used in various products, are known to persist in the environment and accumulate in the body, posing risks to the immune system, reproductive health, and possibly cancer. While scientists are still unraveling the full extent of their effects, ongoing research emphasizes the need for stricter regulations and consumer awareness to mitigate exposure.

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