The Fitness Truths I Wish I Knew in My 20s

Fitness has evolved since the days of old cotton T-shirts and limited information. Today, navigating the overwhelming sea of fitness content can be daunting, with misinformation lurking at every corner. But amidst the noise, there are some timeless truths that can guide you on your fitness journey. This article shares 20 such insights, covering everything from finding your passions to shedding societal pressures and prioritizing rest. Remember, fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. Embrace the journey, enjoy the process, and let these truths empower you to create a healthy and fulfilling relationship with movement.

NHS Weight Loss Programme: Brits Lose Up to 8lbs in 12 Weeks

A study published in The Obesity Journal shows that thousands of people referred to the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme lost an average of half a stone in 12 weeks. The program involves diet and exercise advice and is available to adults in England with a BMI over 30 and either diabetes or high blood pressure, or with BMIs of 27.5 or more if they are from Black, Asian or minority ethnicities. Of those who started the scheme, the average weight lost was 4.85lb (2.2kg). The NHS tips for healthy weight loss include reading about healthy eating and exercise, setting realistic goals, and making gradual changes to your lifestyle.

GO WAUKEGAN Walks Foster Healthy Lifestyles in Waukegan

Waukegan Park District hosts five GO WAUKEGAN walks throughout the year to promote exercise and community well-being. The first walk of the season took place at Hinkston Park, with participants receiving free T-shirts and raffle entries for prizes. The walks have various themes, including Summer Walk, Glow Walk, Zombie Walk, and Winter Wonder Walk. Parents emphasize the importance of exercise and outdoor activities for children, while participants enjoy getting outside and experiencing the benefits of daily walks.

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