Cardona Grilled on Taxpayer Funding for Anti-Israel Campus Protests

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona faced questions from Congress about whether taxpayers will be footing the bill for student loans of anti-Israel agitators who disrupt college campuses. House Education and the Workforce Committee Chair Rep. Virginia Foxx raised concerns about students who engage in harassment, disruption of classes, and law-breaking, highlighting the need for accountability and ensuring that taxpayer funds are not supporting such behavior. The hearing also addressed issues with the rollout of a new federal student aid form (FAFSA) that has caused delays and glitches, affecting college decisions and financial aid offers.

Arkansas Governor Rips Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness, Education Policies

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has criticized the Biden administration’s student loan forgiveness program and other educational policies ahead of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona’s visit to Little Rock. In a letter to Cardona, Sanders and Arkansas Secretary of Education Jacob Olivia expressed concerns about the legality and fairness of the student loan forgiveness program and the mishandling of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program.

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