Pune Teen Drinking and Driving Case: Police Confirm Attempt to Frame Family Driver

The Pune Police have confirmed that an attempt was made to frame the family driver in a case where a 17-year-old teenager is accused of driving drunk and crashing a Porsche into a bike. The incident occurred in Pune last week, killing two IT professionals. The Police are investigating allegations of pressure being put on the driver to take the blame. The accused teenager was driving the car at the time of the accident and was aware of the potential consequences.

Baby Reindeer: True Crime Series Sparks Speculation and False Accusations

The release of Netflix’s Baby Reindeer, a true crime series based on Richard Gadd’s own experiences, has ignited online speculation and wrongful accusations. Internet sleuths have attempted to identify the real-life characters behind the show’s fictional counterparts, leading to innocent people being unfairly targeted. Gadd and other cast members have urged viewers to refrain from such speculation and focus on the show’s central narrative.

Belgian Man with Auto-Brewery Syndrome Acquitted of Drunk Driving Charges

A 40-year-old Belgian man’s drunk driving charges have been dropped due to a rare medical condition known as auto-brewery syndrome (ABS), where an overgrowth of fungi in the gut turns carbohydrates and sugars into alcohol. The man’s blood alcohol levels were elevated despite not consuming any alcohol, leading to false accusations of intoxication. Only 20 people worldwide have been diagnosed with ABS, suggesting it may be underdiagnosed.

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